


Neurotoxin Before and After face images

Neurotoxin Before and After


Treating those pesky expression lines is our most requested treatment. When we frown, or make other facial expressions, the muscles beneath our skin contract and our skin creases. So, as we age, these repeated expressions cause lasting expression lines. Neurotoxins, such as Xeomin®, and Dysport® are prescription medications that block the release of chemicals that allow the muscle contractions so expression lines are softened.

Starting at $13.00 per Unit.

Limit intake of alcohol, NSAIDS, vitamin E, and Fish Oils to reduce risk of bruising

No Working out for 6-12 hours.
No rubbing the areas injected.
Do NOT lie down flat for 4 hours.

REMEMBER: It takes 7-14 days for Tox to kick in; no touch-ups will be done before 14 days.


Dermal Fillers

Derma Fillers on Lips (Before on left, after on right)

At Phi Aesthetics we carry a variety of dermal filers; we will select the ideal filler to meet your specific goals and needs. As we age, the loss and shifting of facial volume results in facial folds and a tired appearance. Choosing the appropriate FDA-approved dermal filler to restore facial volume will give you a more refreshed, rejuvenated, and youthful appearance. We offer the complete Restylane® family of dermal fillers along with Radiesse®+ and Ravanesse® Versa™

Avoid Aspirin, NSAIDS, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Fish Oils, and alcohol 72hours before treatment, to reduce the risk of bruising.
REMEMBER: Swelling and bruising can last up to 2 weeks, so please plan around special events. NO flying 3 days post injections. Lip Filler Patients: NO dental work 4 weeks before OR after Treatment. If you are prone to cold sores, start taking prescribed medication (Valtrex) at least 24 hours before treatment.



Sculpta treatment shown with before teatment on top, after images on bottom.

Sculpta treatment. Before on top, after on bottom.

Sculptra is a biostimulant, which means it stimulates our body to create collagen to revolumize areas that are getting depleted due to the aging process.  It can take 2-3 sessions 8-10 weeks apart to reach our optimal results… but, AFTER that it’s all about maintaining… maintaining is just a once-a-year to year-and-a-half re-boost session.

Sculptra is a trust the process treatment, because it takes time for your body to start pumping out the collagen, but when it does man it’s amazing!! Sculptra keeps you looking natural and like YOU, you’ll never look “over filled” or “over done”!

The top pictures are before this sweet lady’s first ever Sculptra treatment, taken back in February.  The bottom pictures were taken yesterday (5/13) before her second Sculptra treatment…and, WOW!

Avoid Aspirin, NSAIDS, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Fish Oils, and alcohol 72hours before treatment, to reduce the risk of bruising.  

REMEMBER: Bruising can last 3-7 days so be sure to plan around special events. Sculptra Aesthetics works by gradually rebuilding lost collagen; it provides improvements subtly without making you look like you’ve had work done.


PRFM treatment shown with before treatment in upper images and after treatment in lowerr images.

PRFM treatment shown. Without (Before treatment) in upper images and After treatment shown in bottom images.

Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix houses all of your growth factors, which help to repair damaged tissues.  It is PERFECT for under the eyes (aka tear trough area) because it improves the texture of the skin, reduces discoloration, and helps to revolumize the area.

The top two pictures are her before, the bottom two pictures are 4 weeks post her second treatment.  It takes 2-4 treatments to reach full correction and then once-a-year treatment to maintain results.

Avoid Aspirin, NSAIDS, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Fish Oils, and alcohol 72hours before treatment, to reduce the risk of bruising. BE WELL HYDRATED - the more hydrated you are the more PRP you will produce for us to use.

REMEMBER: Bruising can last up to two weeks, so plan around special events.


PDO MAX Threads

PDOMAX Brow lift-400.jpg

PDO Max Threads treatment shown. Before use shown in top image and after treatment shown below.

PDO Max® Threads are the only FDA cleared threads in cannula. PDO (Polydioxanone) is a biocompatible material that will dissolve, but while in the tissue it stimulates collagen production. PDO Max threads are used to lift sagging volume back up where it belongs to reduce the appearance of Nasolabial Folds, Jowls, and Marrionette Lines. PDO Max threads can also be used to help thinning skin under the eyes, or on the neck or décolleté, helping to restore a more youthful appearance.

If you are interested or wondering if you’re a good candidate for PDO Max threads, please contact us.

Do NOT use Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Advil, or other NSAIDs, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, St. John’s Wort, Fish Oils, or Garlic Pills 1-2 weeks prior as they can increase the risk of bruising.

REMEMBER: Swelling and bruising can last up to 3 weeks, so be sure to plan around special events.



Morpheus8 is an FDA-approved skin treatment method that combines two proven technologies: 

• Radiofrequency (RF) treatment — which uses controlled heat to tighten lax skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles

• Microneedling — which uses fine needles to prick the skin and stimulate new tissue growth, smoothing, firming, and evening complexion and minimizing scars and wrinkles.

In a Morpheus8 treatment, radiofrequency (RF) energy is emitted into the underlying skin while microneedling happens on the surface, combining the effects of the two technologies. Morpheus8 stimulates collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the middle and lower layers of the skin— proteins and compounds that help keep the skin on the surface looking young and fresh.

By reaching the skin’s deeper layers, Morpheus8 produces better results than either microneedling or RF treatments could do by themselves. Applying RF directly to the middle and lower levels of the skin also minimizes the risk of damaging the skin’s surface or triggering a hyperpigmentation response, which can be a drawback of other skin resurfacing treatments.

Morpheus8 results after first session show in lower row images

Morpheus8 results after first session shown in lower row

Morpheus8 results after first session shown in lower row images

Morpheus8 results after first session shown in lower row

Morpheus8 results after first session shown in lower row images

Morpheus8 results after first session shown in lower row



PDO Max Thread Training

Victoria is one of the select few National Trainers for PDO Max®. She travels all across the country privately training other injectors on the appropriate techniques needed to get the best results in the safest way possible. If you are an injector and are interested in bringing PDO Max Threads into your practice and would like more information about training, please email

Private Training

Here at Phi Aesthetics we also offer an array of education. If you’re just wondering if aesthetics is something you’d be interested in, we offer shadow days. Shadow days are a great way to see what a full day as an injector looks like. You would see a variety of procedures and consultations, and of course be able to ask any questions you may have.

If you’re newer to aesthetics and just really need some good one on one training we do offer a course in neurotoxins and dermal fillers. We would cover basic neurotoxin areas, go over reconstitutions, facial mapping, and dosing. As far as dermal fillers go, we would cover cheeks, mid-face, jawline, and chin.

For our established injectors who want to hone in on some advanced techniques, we offer those trainings, too! Advance techniques for neurotoxins and dermal fillers. If you have questions regarding trainings and/or would like to schedule one please contact us using the link below.